วันพฤหัสบดี, 06 มีนาคม 2568

Research 2018

Research 2018


Journal publication


Tang, C.Q., Matsui, T., Ohashi, H. and Grote, P.J. et al. (2018). Identifying long-term stable
            refugia for relict plant species in East Asia. Nature Communications 9:
            4488. (Link)


Grote, P.J. (2018). Dichapetalaceae. Flora of Thailand 14(1): 31-40. (Link) 


Choopan, T., Grote, P.J., Chayamarit, K. and Simpson, D.A. (2018) An annotated checklist of
            the genus PseuderanthemumRadlk. (Acanthaceae) in Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin
46(1): 90-111. (Link) 


Choopan, T., Grote, P. J., Chayamarit, K. and Simpson, D. A. (2018) Pollen morphology of
            subfamily Nelsonioideae (Acanthaceae) in Thailand, Asia-Pacific Journal of
            Science and Technology
23(2). (Link) 


Kubo, T., Shibata, M., Naksri, W., Jintasakul, P. and Azuma, Y. (2018). The earliest record of
            Asian Eusuchia from the Lower Cretaceous KhokKruat Formation of northeastern
            Thailand, Cretaceous Research (82): 21-28. (Link) 



Oral presentation


Tong, H., Claude, J., Naksri, W., Suteethorn, V., Suteethorn, S., Chanthasit, P. and Buffetaut,
            E. (2018). The age of the Phu Kradung Formation (Khorat Group, NE Thailand):
            Indications from the turtle faunas, The International Meeting around the
            Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary
, December 5-7, The Natural History Museum of
            Geneva, Switzerland, 86-87.


Duangkrayom, J., Nishioka, Y., Shaokun, C., Jintasakul, P., Thungprue, N. and
            Worawansongkham, R. (2018). Proboscidean fossils (Mammalia) from the Quaternary
            deposits on Stegodon Cave, Thungwa, Satun Province, southern Thailand, WIAS
            Discussion Paper
, No. 2018-001, November 23, Tokyo, Japan, 1-19.


Shibata, M., Jintasakul, P., Azuma, Y., Chokchaloemwong, D. and Kawabe S. (2018). All about
            SirindhornaKhoratensis(Ornithopoda; Hadrosauroidea), The 6th International
            Symposium of International Geoscience Programme IGCP Project 608
            November 11–17, KhonKaen-Kalasin, Thailand, 4-5. (Link)


Sonoda T., Naksri W., Shibata M., and Azuma Y. (2018). Carettochelyid turtle from the Lower
            Cretaceous of Japan and the diversification of the pan-trionychian turtles, The 6th
            International Symposium of International Geoscience Programme IGCP
            Project 608
, November 11–17, KhonKaen-Kalasin, Thailand, 10. (Link)


Naksri W., Sonoda T., Chokchaloemwong D., Shibata M., Azuma Y. and Pratueng Jintasakul.
            (2018). Turtles from the Lower Cretaceous Khok Kruat Formation of Nakhon
            Ratchasima, Northeastern Thailand: New data, The 6th International Symposium
            of International Geoscience Programme IGCP Project 608
, November 11–17,
            KhonKaen-Kalasin, Thailand, 83. (Link)


Jintasakul, P. (2018). A treasure of Khorat: khorat Geopark, Thailand, The 8th International
            Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks
, September 8–14, Trentino Province,


Songtham, W. (2018). Geology and landscapes of the Khorat Geopark, Thailand, The 8th
            International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks
, September 8–14,
            Trentino Province, Italy.


Grote, P.J. (2018). Endocarps of Parinari (Chrysobalanaceae) from the Miocene of Thailand,
            10th European Palaeobotany & Palynology Conference, August 12-17,
            University College Dublin, Ireland, 86.


Eduardo, M., Boonchai, N., Grimsson, F., Grote, P.J., etc. (2018). Worldwide temperate forests
            of the Neogene: never more diverse? 10th European Palaeobotany & Palynology
, August 12-17, University College Dublin, Ireland,


Rugmai, W., Pukdeekul, P., Phongsopha, P., Yunkratok, N. and Grote, P.J. (2018). Sculptures
            of Quercus pollen from the late Middle Pleistocen of Northeastern Thailand, 10th
            European Palaeobotany & Palynology Conference
, August 12-17, University
            College Dublin, Ireland,


Naksri, W., Tong, H., Jintasakul, P., Suteethorn, V. and Claude, J. (2018). Cenozoic fossil
            tortoises of Southeast Asia: palaeobiogeographical implications, The 5th
            International Palaeontological Congress
, July 9-13, France.


Tong, H., Claude, J., Naksri, W., Suteethorn, V., Suteethorn, S., Mo, J. and Buffetaut, E.
            (2018). Palaeobiodiversity of Mesozoic turtles in Southeast Asia, The 5th
            International Palaeontological Congress
, July 9-13, France.


Claude, J., Auetrakulvit, P., Naksri, W., Bochaton, C., Zeitoun, V. and Tong, H. (2018).
            Biodiversity decreasing in peninsular Southeast Asia: The message of Holocene
            turtles from the central plain of Thailand, The 5th International Palaeontological
, July 9-13, France.


Bochaton, C., Forestier, H., Auetrakulvit, Sophody, H., Frere, S., Griggo, C., Naksri, W.,
            Claude, J., Lauprasert, K. and Zeitoun, V. (2018). Investigation of the occurrences of
            Monitor lizards (Varanus sp.) from Late Pleistocene to Holocene in continental South-
            East Asia, The 5th International Palaeontological Congress, July 9-13, France.


Grote, P.J. (2018). Cenozoic plant fossils of Thailand, 12th Botanical Conference of
            Thailand (BCT12)
, June 14-16, Mahasarakham University, Maha Sarakham,


Grote, P.J. and Jintasakul, P. (2018). Plant fossils and their contributions to the Khorat
            Geopark, A Conference on Geopark: Mount Popa Geopark, June 2-4, Popa
            Mountain Resort, Mandalay, Myanmar.


Boonchai, N. and Grote, P.J. (2018). Preliminary study on comparative wood anatomy of
            petrified trees between aspiring geoparks in Myanmar and Thailand, A Conference
            on Geopark: Mount Popa Geopark
, June 2-4, Popa Mountain Resort, Mandalay,


Tong, H., Claude, J, Naksri, W., Suttethorn, V., Chanthasit, P. and Buffetaut, E. (2018) Turtle
            assemblages from the Phu Kradung Formation of the Khorat Group, NE Thailand and
            their stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical implications, The 6th Turtle
            Evolution Symposium
, May 26-28, Japan.


Duangkrayom, J. (2018). Ancient elephant: inspiration for Thailand’s geopark, The Regional
            Geoheritage Conference
, April 2-4, Khon Kean, Thailand.


Grote, P.J. (2018). Pinaceae from the Cenozoic of Thailand, บรรพชนชื่นชีวิน La Fête des
, March 17-19, พิพิธภัณฑ์สิรินธร, Kalasin, Thailand.


Rugmai, W. and Grote, P.J. (2018). พืชพรรณบรรพกำลในแหล่งฟอสซิลปลายสมัยไพลสโทซีน ของที่ราบสูง
            โคราช, บรรพชนชื่นชีวิน La Fête des Dinos, March 17-19, พิพิธภัณฑ์สิรินธร, Kalasin,


Chio-Srichan, S., Chitnarin, A., Rugmai, W., Chaiprapa, J., Rojviriya, C. and Grote, P.J. (2018).
            Shining Siamphoton on fossils: feasibility of synchrotron application on paleontology,
            บรรพชนชื่นชีวิน La Fête des Dinos, March 17-19, พิพิธภัณฑ์สิรินธร, Kalasin, Thailand.


จรูญ ด้วงกระยอม (2018). ศักยภาพของช้างโคราชดึกดำบรรพ์เพื่อการพัฒนาสู่จีโอพาร์คโลก, บรรพชนชื่นชีวิน La
            Fête des Dinos
, March 17-19, พิพิธภัณฑ์สิรินธร, Kalasin, Thailand.