วันพฤหัสบดี, 06 มีนาคม 2568

Research 2017

Research 2017

Journal publication 


Boonchai, N., Philippe, M., Carling, P.A. and Meshkova, L. (2017). A preliminary  investigation of
            fossil wood from the Lower  Mekong Basin of Southeast Asia. Global Geology 20(3):
            131-143. (Link)


Wang, S. Q., Li, Y., Duangkrayom, J., Chen, S. Q., He W. and Chen, S. Q. (2017). Early
            Mammut from the Upper Miocene of northern China, and its implications for the
            evolution and differentiation of Mammutidae. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 55(3):
            233-257. (Link)


Wang, S. Q., Li, Y., Duangkrayom, J., Yang, W. X., He, W. and Chen, S. Q. (2017). A new
            species of Gomphotherium (Proboscidea,Mammalia) from China and the evolution of
            Gomphotherium in Eurasia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 37(3): (Link) 


Yang, F.C. and Grote, P.J. (2017). Riverine vegetation and environments of a Late Pleistocene
            river terrace, Khorat Plateau, Southeast Asia. Journal Palynology 42(2): 158-167.


Yang, F.C., Grote, P.J. (2017). Variation of fluorescence intensity in Pleistocene pollen and the
            correlation of fluvial deposits in the Khorat Plateau, Thailand. Journal Palynology
            42(1): 28-35. (Link) 


Wang, S.Q., Saegusa, H., Duangkrayom, J., He W., Chen, S.Q. (2017). A new species of
from the Linxia Basin and the biostratigraphic significance
            of tetralophodont gomphotheres from the Upper Miocene of northern China.
            Palaeoworld 26(4):703-717. (Link) 


Duangkrayom, J., Wang, S., Deng, T. and Jintasakul, P. (2017). The first Neogene record of
            Zygolophodon (Mammalia, Proboscidea) in Thailand: implications for the mammutid
            evolution and dispersal in Southeast Asia. Journal of Paleontology 91(1): 179-193.



Oral & Poster presentation


Singhwachiraworakul, P., Jintasakul, P., Grote, P. J. and Thungprue, N. (2017) UNESCO Global
            Geoparks: A New Management Tools for Sustainable Development and Satun Aspiring
            UNESCO Global Geopark, The 2nd International Conference of “Multidisciplinary
            Approaches on UN Sustainable Development Goals” (UNSDGs)
, December
            28-29, Bangkok, Thailand, 8-16. (oral presentation)


Hanta, R., Jintasakul, P., Azuma, Y., Sekiya, T., Tucker, R. and Jenjitpaiboon, K. (2017). Baby
            and juvenile basal sauropods of possibly the Isanosaurus of the Late Triassic-Early
            Jurassic Nam Phong Formation, Chaiyaphum, northeastern Thailand. The 16th
            Gondwana International Conference,
November 12-14, Bangkok, Thailand.
            (oral presentation)


Fuengaksorn, K., Hanta, R., Arsairai, B., and Jenjitpaiboon, K. (2017). Accumulation of a
            fossiliferous limestone bed in the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic Nam Phong Formation,
            Chaiyaphum Province, northeastern Thailand. The 16th Gondwana International
November 12-14, Bangkok, Thailand. (poster presentation)


Hanta, R., Jenjitpaiboon, K., Jintasakul, P., Takai, M. and Nishioka. Y. (2017). A first complete
            mandible of hippopotamid, Hexaprotodon, of the Late Miocene fluvial deposit, Tha
            Chang area, Nakhon Ratchasima, northeastern Thailand. The 16th Gondwana
            International Conference,
November 12-14, Bangkok, Thailand. (poster


Boonchai, N., Jintasakul P., Boonserm, A. (2017). Plant and fossil plant conservation: a novel
            protection strategy in Tak province, Thailand, toward UNESCO Global Geopark. Young
            Conservation Scientists conference Suranaree University of Technology
, May
            25-27, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, (poster presentation)


Grote, P. J., Naksri W., Jintasakul P. (2017). Conservation of flora and fauna at the Khorat Fossil
            Museum, Nakhon Ratchasima. Young Conservation Scientists conference
            Suranaree University of Technology
, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, (poster